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5 Eco Friendly Alternatives To Plastic Wrap

Plastic wraps are made from a form of a plastic known as low-density polyethylene. The problem is that plastics are very long-lived products and they need thousands of years to decompose. One of the major concerns is that plastic wraps often end up ingested by marine animals and can poison our wildlife.

There are other serious concerns such as putting your health at risk and we think that it is time to break the plastic wrap habit. It is a major challenge, but there are many simple ways to switch out plastic wrap for a more environmentally-friendly option.

These are some simple plastic wrap alternatives:

Glass food storage containers are a brilliant alternative for plastic wraps. Using them can reduce the need to wash so many different containers because they can easily go from your oven to kitchen table to the refrigerator. Most of them are safe for use in oven, dishwasher, microwave, and refrigerator. Moreover, they are recyclable!

The quart and half-gallon size mason jars are perfect for storing soups, sauces, broth, and leftover casseroles and sides.

This alternative is excellent for fresh produce, just add a rubber band, you makeshift container will be airtight without the need for plastic.

This fantastic invention is a sustainable alternative to plastic wrap. Cotton muslin cloths are dipped in beeswax, jojoba oil and tree resin. The beeswax and jojoba oil help with preservation because they contain antibacterial properties. Just use the warmth of your hands to form the wrap over the food. The wrap will hold its shape when it cools to keep it sealed and fresh.

Make your own non-plastic wrap

This is also a great option and here is what you will need if you decide to try this alternative:


Place beeswax in your heat-proof container and make sure that there will be about a half-inch of melted wax in the pan. Carefully place a piece of fabric inside of the wax, once it has all melted. Make sure it is thoroughly coated, then lift it out and let the liquid wax drip off until its cooled. Set it aside to cool completely and re-dip the edges if necessary.

NOTE: Using nothing as an alternative to plastic wrap is also an option. Wrap things if it’s necessary because some things really don’t need a plastic wrap.

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