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5 Subtle Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

There are many forms of sugar, including high fructose corn syrup which can be found in processed foods. The truth is that more than one-third of the food sold in grocery stores contains HFCS.

Many items that don’t even taste sweet contain hidden sugars and according to the World Health Organization, the average American consumes nearly 22 teaspoons of sugar every day which is four times more than the recommended amount. So, it’s time to cut down on sugar!

5 Alarming Warning Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

Feeling tired is one of the primary signs that you are consuming too much sugar, despite the fact that sugary foods can give you an initial boost of energy which is only temporary. Stable blood sugar means stable energy, and the highs and lows of your blood sugar lead to highs and lows of energy. Your body isn’t getting a sufficient amount of protein of fiber if you are eating lots of sugar and those nutrients are important.

This is another sign that you are eating too much sugar. It is a simple rule: the more sugar you eat, the more you crave. It is like a drug because the sugar gives you that short-term high followed by a crash. It’s so sweetly addictive and that’s why it creates a chain reaction of sugar cravings.

Researchers noted that there is a strong link between the risk for depression and the amount of sugar consumed. You’ve probably noticed that after eating too much sugar you feel emotionally drained. Moreover, a diet filled with sugar is associated with greater instances of depression because it causes inflammation levels throughout the body to rise. So, if you have feelings of anxiety you should probably adjust your sugary diet.

Sugar doesn’t contain fat, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t get fat by eating too much. Sugar doesn’t contain healthy nutrients and excess sugar is excess calories. So, you are adding empty excess calories and you are more likely to eat too much. Moreover, you are triggering the release of insulin which carries sugar to the organs so that it can be used for fuel. The body produces more insulin when you eat a lot of sugar which can lead to insulin resistance. This increases the risk for diabetes and you are more likely to gain weight.

Excess sugar in your diet can weaken the immune system and your body won’t be able to fight off viruses, colds, or flu.

6 Important Steps to Cutting Sugar

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