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Alkalize Your Body: 13 Excellent Ways To Accomplish That

A diet which doesn’t contain enough alkalizing foods can cause serious health issues. Consuming too many acid-forming foods can lead to overly acidic body and under those circumstances the body will take from the bones or vital tissues. That will impair the body’s ability to repair or detoxify which will result in greater susceptibility to disease and illness. Pain and excess weight are also associated with acidity.

An alkalized body typically enjoys:

A healthy body is equal to an alkalized body and it is easy to get it that way. Follow an alkalizing diet which includes certain foods that can create acidic byproducts in your body after digestion. Limit acid-forming foods in your diet and consume more foods that alkalize your body.

Pesticides, chemicals, and other contaminants diminish the alkalizing potential of all foods. By choosing organic foods you will avoid these harmful substances. Moreover, organic foods contain a higher nutritional content as compared to non-organic foods. They will help ensure your body gets the minerals it needs to neutralize acid wastes.

Fully inhale and exhale. It is important to completely expel carbon dioxide from the lungs, but when you breathe in a more shallow way, some carbon dioxide is retained and gets converted to an acid.

Consume 50% of your weight in water daily.

One of the best ways to achieve a more alkalized body is to eat more vegetables because all of them are alkalizing. Consume them in the least processed form- raw or steamed. Invest in a juicer and make your own fresh vegetable juice.

Hard cheeses are the most acid-forming dairy products and goat milk the least acidifying.

Lemons and limes are very alkalizing. A glass of lukewarm water that’s had a fresh lemon into it is a great way to start your day.

It helps boost the immune system and it is highly alkalizing.

Spices and herbs are incredibly alkalizing. Consume more cinnamon and ginger. Both of them are great choices, very alkalizing and detoxifying. They add a wonderful flavor to many types of meals. Experiment with herb and spices because they are great for your overall health.

Supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting enzymes.

These foods cause all sorts of damage to the body and are very acidifying. They are nothing like “real” food and provide all sorts of harmful chemicals and a huge dose of sugar.

Natural and homemade bath and body products can also help make you more alkaline. Avoid chemicals which are part of traditional commercial products and will make you more acidic.

Almonds are loaded with natural alkaline minerals which help to balance out acidity while balancing blood sugar.

Boost the balance of acidity and alkalinity. Daily movement helps to restore and sustain the pH balance of tissues, blood, and cellular fluids. Include some form of exercise every day such as walking, dancing, biking, swimming, etc. Remember that too much exercise can have the opposite effect. Stay strong!

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