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The Hidden Truth About The Real Causes Of Eczema And The Proven Natural Treatment For It

Eczema is a sign that your body is inflamed. So in order to cure it, you need to reduce the inflammation. Actually, it means that there is a disturbance in your immune system.

The two triggers of eczema:

Leaky Gut

This creates a low-grade inflammation in reaction to food particles that literally leak through your gut wall. So, this can trigger food sensitivities to gluten and dairy food that can lead to eczema.

It can cause other health problems like:

Abnormal gut flora

If you want to reduce eczema, you need to get rid of the overgrowth of bad bugs and yeast.

It is called dysbiosis and occurs when the 3 pounds of bugs in the gut are disbalanced and lead to inflammation. So, the yeast overgrowth is the trigger of eczema. The reason for causing can be refined carb, processed diet, high-sugar, using antibiotics, steroids, hormones and even the birth control pill.

How to cure eczema

Food is the most important thing in our life, but we are not aware of the benefits it has. Just a few changes in your diet can help you not only to reduce eczema, but it can help you to fight against different kinds of diseases and other conditions.

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