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Underactive Thyroid Symptoms: 5 Signs To Look Out For

The thyroid gland can get out of whack and there are many things that can influence on its work. Pregnancy, genetics, stress, toxins, and nutritional deficiencies…the truth is that diagnosing the disorder isn’t easy because thyroid hormones can affect practically every area of the body.

However, there are certain signs that you should have in mind because they are a good clue that you do have a sluggish thyroid.


You Are Extremely Fatigued.

If you feel like you are suffering from a severe lack of energy even after sleeping eight or more hours a night than something is wrong with your thyroid hormones. If the thyroid hormones are low the muscles don’t get a signal to get moving. Extreme fatigue is the No.1 symptom of an underactive thyroid.

You Are Depressed, Anxious And Moody.

An underactive thyroid negatively impacts levels of the “feel good” hormone- serotonin in the brain. This lowers the mood because the brain and other body systems are slowing down.

You Are Experiencing Brain Fog.

Are you forgetting thins easily and having difficulty focusing? If you feel like walking around in a fog and your brain feels fuzzy, it could be your thyroid.

Your Digestive System is Out of Whack.

Experiencing digestive problems can also be a sign that you have a sluggish thyroid. The slowdown of TH production can also cause a slowdown of digestive processes.

Your Skin is Dry and Itchy.

This sort of condition can be caused by a metabolism that’s slowed due to too little thyroid hormone production. Dry skin is a common complaint among people who have a sluggish thyroid. It is because thyroid hormone plays an essential role in healthy skin.

You’ve Gained Weight Without Changing Your Eating or Exercise Habits.

If you haven’t been eating more than usual or suddenly become a couch potato, putting on a few pounds could be caused by an underactive thyroid.

Your Hair is Falling Out.

The hair growth cycle could be disrupted if you have too little thyroid hormone. This could result in hair loss sometimes even across the body.


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