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3 Home Remedies For Your Inflamed Gums

Gingivitis occurs when the gums (gingiva) are inflamed. In most cases, gingivitis happens because of poor oral hygiene and when bacteria accumulate around the teeth- plaque.

Typical signs and symptoms of gingivitis are swollen, red and soft gums that will bleed when you brush them. Sometimes there are pockets between teeth and gums where plague and debris from food collect.

The best way to prevent this gum disease is to take good care of your oral hygiene, brush regularly and floss after every meal.

Sometimes even if we are careful, our immune system may function with lower capacity and gingivitis can occur.

There are few home remedies that can provide instant relief and soothe the aching from the pain of the inflamed gums.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate has a wide range of household uses, besides cooking and cleaning, sodium bicarbonate has many healing properties.

It has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which make it a great ingredient in the home treatment in soothing the inflamed and tender gums.

Because sodium bicarbonate is neutralizer, it helps neutralize the acid, and prevent plague forming around the teeth. Sodium bicarbonate is the main ingredient in many types of mouthwashes.

Since sodium bicarbonate is a key ingredient in every kitchen, it’s cheap and affordable, we can make our own mouthwash diluting one teaspoon in lukewarm water.

Rinse your mouth with this solution, hold 30 seconds and spit. Repeat this at least three times a day.


Just like sodium bicarbonate, salt also has many healing properties mainly because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Salt therapy is very effective in reducing asthma as well as seasonal allergies, improving skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.

When dealing with inflamed gums, salt treatment is very helpful because it kills the bacteria that are causing the inflammation and it will reduce the swelling and calm the pain.

Mix 1 teaspoon in a cup of lukewarm water and rinse thoroughly for about 20 seconds, then spit.

Repeat this process after each meal.


Sage is a plant that has strong natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The leaf of sage is used to make medicine in treatment again stomach pain, digestive problems, diarrhea, and heartburn.

Sage is also used for decreasing the overproduction of saliva and perspiration.

 It is effective herb in the fight against gingivitis.

You can prepare mouth washing tea from dried sage leaves by boiling a cup of water, adding 1 teaspoon of dried sage leaves and leave it for 15 minutes. If it is too hot, wait a couple more minutes for it to become moderately warm and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

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