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5 Health Benefits of Basil

Basil is one of the most grown herbs in the world because of its specific aroma and leafy good looks. It is a widely known herb and mostly related to Meditteranean cooking, and if you did not know, basil is native to India and Asia.

There are many varieties of basil (lemon, cinnamon, and Thai basil), but the most common type of the herb is sweet basil.

Basil produces black seeds called nutlets and has square, branching stem that can grow from 1-10 feet in height. The leaves of the basil plant are the part that is most commonly used. Basil flower can be in different color.

Most of us consume basil just for the taste it gives and we are not aware of the benefits for our body. The regular consumption of basil has many positive influences to our body and these are some of them:


Basil has powerful anti-bacterial effects. The infection of Staphylococcus aureus is the main cause of diarrhea and the phytochemicals components in basil leaves are able to fight that infection. Prevent this unpleasant experience by adding few basil leaves into your meal.


According to a recent study, basil extract can increase the production of detoxifying enzymes which support the work of our liver. Those enzymes can help our liver perform more efficiently and they are also responsible for reducing the build-up of fat around the liver.


Basil essential oil has anti-inflammatory effects which enable us to clear any kind of ear infection. Squeeze a few drops into the ear or use the essential oil which can be found in any health store.


Basil targets metabolic stress and without a doubt, we can say that it is also helpful in balancing the cholesterol levels. It also promotes weight loss by maintaining our healthy metabolism. Minerals and essential oils which can be found in basil are able to lower stress-induced cholesterols.


Basil is rich in magnesium and vitamin B6 and thanks to that it has the ability to improve the strength of the cardiovascular system and prevent a heart attack. Moreover, In addition, vitamin B6 prevents the accumulation of toxins in and around our organs.

You can use basil in many different ways and you should learn how to cook with basil because that’s the most effective way.

The good news is that basil goes almost with any dish and for a start, you can try the following recipes:

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