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7 Proven Health Benefits Of The Toxins Flushing Red Teas

Rooibos is a red bush herb which is loaded with many powerful antioxidants, and quercetin is one of them. Quercetin protects against all kinds of illness and disease such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. This red bush tea also contains two lesser known antioxidants, nothofagin, and aspalathin which help fight free radicals. In that way, they help slow the aging process and reverse visible signs of aging. These are some reasons why you should start drinking this red bush healing tea!

Rooibos tea contains a high level of flavonoids and has the ability to encourage healthier digestion and supports the entire digestive system in many ways. Moreover, it can help relieve diarrhea and cramps, stomach upset and indigestion, ease nausea. Researchers believe that rooibos tea can alleviate colic in babies. It is caffeine free and contains multiple compounds that provide antispasmodic properties that prevent diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.

It is a safe and effective insomnia remedy and you can improve your quality of rest by drinking more of this tea. This healing tea contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese. It has the power to encourage calm and relaxation and reduce sleep disturbances.

Rooibos tea contains polyphenols, antioxidants, and flavonoids, compounds that are known to burn belly fat. That’s why this tea is an excellent choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight.

Alpha hydroxy acid can be also found in rooibos tea. Drinking this tea can help improve your complexion, thanks to alpha hydroxy acid which is commonly found in expensive skin products. Moreover, it can help to heal eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, and the pain and itch of sunburns.

We’ve already mentioned that rooibos tea contains flavonoids which can also help to regulate blood pressure. Further, that results in a reduction of cholesterol buildup and blood clots, lessening the chances of heart attack and heart-related disease. Rooibos tea also contains chrysoeriol, a potent antioxidant which can improve circulation.


Thanks to quercetin, the plant pigment it contains, drinking rooibos tea may help to prevent some types of cancer. It’s able to suppress malignant tumor growth by halting the processes involved in cell mutation. Moreover, drinking rooibos tea is linked with reduction of cancer-causing chemicals, thanks to its high level of antioxidants.

Calcium and manganese help to support stronger bones. It has been shown in studies that rooibos tea is a stand out for bone health due its two flavonoids, luteolin and orientin. The good side of rooibos tea is that it doesn’t contain caffeine and it can be given to patients who can’t normally consume traditional teas.
Enjoy your healing rooibos tea!

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