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Treat Minor Body Issues With A Clever Fix From Your Kitchen

Most of us are accustomed to rush for medication on the first sign of a cold or pain. Most of us keep at home hundreds of different pills, creams or fluids for healing. But before you jump to your small private pharmacy, you can try to solve the problem naturally.

The interest of people in the natural remedies that can be found in the kitchen is constantly increasing because they can replace artificial drugs and help you if you have a small health problem without causing side effects.

To reduce the unpleasant and boring itching from mosquito bites, take an overdry banana and place a part of its shell on the spot of the bite. The banana larva also helps with stings from other insects.

Cover the heavily affected skin with olive oil. This will create a layer that will keep the skin from drying. If the eczema is more serious, place a plastic foil on top of the coated skin and leave it overnight.

To relieve the pain of urinary infection such as cystitis, mix ¼ teaspoon baking soda with 250 ml of water and pour the liquid. Do this when you feel the first signs of infection and repeat it once a day until you see an improvement or until you begin to receive antibiotics.

Also, drinking blueberry juice can help you, because it contains substances that inhibit the activity of Escherichia coli, a bacterium that often causes cystitis. The domestic blueberry juice is much better than the merchant.

Ginger can alleviate it like nausea that occurs in some people while traveling, and morning sickness in pregnant women. To make the tea of ginger, put one tablespoon of fresh ginger in boiling water, leave it to stand for 10 minutes and then strain the liquid. Pregnant women can eat ginger biscuits.

If you scratch or cut yourself, apply honey to the cut. Honey will help in blocking bacteria from developing and disinfecting the cut. Dry honey acts as a natural patch to the skin.

If an unpleasant odor spreads from your armpits or legs, apply a small amount of baking soda on them. It acts as a natural antiperspirant and reduces the amount of swollen sweat during the day.

The appearance of infection of the skin on the feet is also called the Athletic foot because it is most commonly seen in athletes. To alleviate this unpleasant state, fill the bowl with water and on every half a liter of water add 2 teaspoons of salt. Put your feet in salt water for 5-10 minutes per day. This will create a hostile environment for fungi, reduce sweating and soften the skin.

To relax before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk. For better feeling add a little cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey. This is the best natural way to relax before falling into a deep sleep.

Mint oil can help you lower your headache. Fill a deep bowl with cold water. Put 5-6 drops of mint oil in it and soak one cloth. Drain the cloth and place it on your forehead. Keep the coating 10-15 minutes.

It is well known that garlic can protect you from colds and even heal you when the first symptoms occur. The sooner you intervene, the better. There are two ways you can use for consuming garlic: you can chew 2 cloves dipped in honey, or you can put 2 cloves of garlic in warm water and honey and then simmer and swallow the mixture without chewing.

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