Acne is a common skin condition affecting nearly ten percent of the world’s population, and recent studies have shown that nutrition can play a significant role in acne development.
They originate as a result of the interaction of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors, and they begin by pumping hair follicles in areas of skin prone to acne (face, chest, and back). Finishing of the follicle further accelerates increased sebum secretion – a link that can cause inflammation and cause inflammatory acne. During puberty, the body produces more hormones named insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and some analyses show that it can increase sebum creation and aggravate acne.

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Here are seven of the foods that can cause acne:
1. Many types of refined cereals and sugars
One study has revealed that people who usually consume added sugars have a 30 percent higher risk of developing acne.
Refined carbohydrates are digested into the bloodstream, which immediately increases blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are high, insulin levels also increase to help blood sugar to go from your bloodstream into your cells.
However, high insulin levels are not good for people with acne problems. Insulin increases the activity of androgenic hormones and increases the growth factor similar to insulin 1 – which contributes to the development of acne by making skin cells grow faster and increase sebum production.
– Many different foods can also raise IGF-1 levels. Dodging these foods can soothe the symptoms of acne and help block their outbreaks. According to the results of the 2016 study, foods that increase IGF-1 levels are primarily foods with a high glycemic index (GI) and high glycemic load (GL). GI measurement decides how fast and how high a particular type of food can increase the blood sugar level. Measurement GL allows a person to compare food types with different label sizes and portions. Here’s how you can calculate GI: GL = GI x amount of carbohydrate per serving (in grams) / 100
Foods with a high glycemic index according to the American Diabetes Association are:
- bread, especially white bread and rolls, refined sugars,
- sweetened cereals, such as those with cornflakes, infused rice and cereal flakes
- instant cereals, such as oatmeal
- some fruits and vegetables, including melon, pineapple, and potatoes
- enriched pasta, such as rice-based pasta
- white short grain rice
- snacks, such as steaks, rice cakes and more
2. Dairy products
Many studies have shown that young people who regularly consume milk or ice cream are four times more likely to suffer from acne.
It is known that milk increases the level of insulin, regardless of its effect on blood sugar, which can aggravate acne seriousness. Cow’s milk also includes amino acids that stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1 associated with acne development.
– It has been shown that skim milk, as compared to full-fat milk, has a certain association with acne, particularly in teenagers and young adults. The presumed linkage mechanism of skimmed milk and acne includes hormonal ingredients in defensive milk.
3. Fast food
One study with more than 5,000 teenagers and young adults found that high-fat diet associated with 43 percent increased risk of acne. Regular consumption of fast food increased the risk by 17 percent.
In the second study of 2,300 men, it has been found that often eating hamburgers or sausages is associated with a 24 percent higher risk of developing acne.
– Data suggest that eating unhealthy “junk” foods (e.g. potato chips, and juices) and fast food has a negative impact on overall health, resulting in new acne and significant worsening of existing acne.
4. Food rich in Omega-6 fat
– A diet containing large amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, such as a typical Western diet, is associated with an increased number of acne. This may be because Western cuisine practices the use of large quantities of corn and soybean oil, rich in omega-6 and poor foods containing omega-3 fat, such as fish, avocados, nuts.
This omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid imbalance bring the organism into inflammatory conditions, which can significantly aggravate the acne status.
– Conversely, a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the level of inflammation and found to diminish the relieving clinical acne. Although the association of omega-6 fatty acids and acne deterioration is obvious, there have been no randomized controlled studies on this subject, and more research is needed.
5. Chocolate
The study showed that men who consumed 25 grams of dark chocolate daily had 99 percent more lesions in just two weeks than those who did not.
Another study showed that men who took 100 percent cacao powder capsules had significantly fewer acne lesions after a week than those who received a placebo.
Still, it’s not all, so gray and chocolate do not always have to be the cause of acne deterioration.
– Fulton et al. Re-search click to visit the re-search..
Reported the results of a study conducted on acne teens who consumed at least five dkg (50grams) of chocolate per day on a daily basis. In the part of the respondents, acne has improved, the part worse, and most of it has remained unchanged. This study confirms the stand on the individual role of chocolate in acne deterioration.
6. Whey Protein Powder
Whey is a popular nutritional supplement because it is a rich source of leucine and glutamine amino acids that ‘intensify’ skin cells to accelerate growth and breakdown that can contribute to the onset of acne. Amino acids in whey can also stimulate the body to produce more insulin, which is associated with the development of acne. It is often used as a supplement and is considered to be an acne worsening trigger.
7. The foods you are sensitive to
– Food sensitivity is created when our immune system misidentifies food as a threat and triggers an immune response to it. This results in a high level of pro-inflammatory molecules that circulate throughout the body, which can exacerbate acne and adds that since there are many foods that your immune system can respond to, the best way to detect them is by monitoring your diet by your nutritionists.