Chronic pain condition is when a person is experiencing pain for more than 12 or so weeks. This could be as a result of an injury or various neurological symptoms, such as a migraine.
To make the life easier for the patients suffering from chronic pain, often taking a medication is crucial. Medicines will most likely help ease and control the chronic pain, but in some cases, it takes maybe several weeks for the medicine to work. Over the counter medicines are often Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are easy to find and buy.
When a medicine is used daily, over a long time period, it often loses its ability to work because the body develops a tolerance towards it. If this scenario happens, many people increase the dosage of the medication, by themselves, not talking it through with a doctor or even a pharmacist.
The euphoric sensation painkillers provide, accompanied with the relief of the disabling chronic pain is often the reason why some people get addicted to the painkillers, over the counter or prescription medications.
Some of the signs you should be aware of when in doubt of painkiller addiction are:
The Pill is always on Your Mind
If you have an injury and the wound is fresh, it is normal to wait anxiously for the next dose. But, if that is not the case and you can’t stop watching the clock or worrying whether you have enough supply, that is a good sign that you have become addicted to the drug.
You Take More than You Should
Your doctor prescribed different amounts than the one you are taking, and you are taking more.
Taking a higher dose then the recommended or taking it more often than prescribed, it is a warning sign of physical and emotional addiction.
Using Painkillers for a Long Time
If you had any painful condition you probably started taking medication, for relieving the pain.
Even if you have a chronic condition, and you are using prescription medication, overuse of drugs can be causing even more pain than usual. That is when you should talk to a doctor or pharmacist for a new type of drugs, or even some other alternatives. But, if your pain is long gone, and you are still using the painkillers, you know you have a problem and it is the perfect time to stop.
If you identify someone you know or even yourself in any of these signs, it is best to know that stopping the painkillers addiction is not an easy thing to do. You will need a professional assistance from a doctor, but don’t be afraid, ask for help and acquire more information on the issue.