Allergy is improper functioning of the immune system. The allergic person’s body reacts vigorously to some substances from our natural environment that are otherwise not harmful. Such substances are called allergens.
The reaction to allergens usually creates inflammation that causes various symptoms, such as pollen fever, eczema, asthma, and many others.

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Allergic reaction mechanism
In a healthy organism, antibodies protect our body from viruses, bacteria, and infections. In allergic individuals, the immune system misinterprets a certain allergen as an enemy and begins to produce antibodies to defend against them.
Such antibodies, called immunoglobulin E (igE), bind to fat cells that are abundant under the surface of the skin, in the nose, eyes, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.
When IgE antibodies find an allergen, they catch it, causing fat cells to produce powerful chemicals, including histamine. This causes an allergic reaction.
An allergic reaction may occur immediately or after a few hours after contact with a particular allergen. An allergic reaction may cause different symptoms.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction
The symptoms of an allergic reaction depend on how the allergen enters into the body. Per example, pollen, which is inhaled through the nose, usually causes symptoms in the nose, eyes, sinuses, and throat.
All known reactions to pollen are allergic rhinitis or pollen fever. On the other hand, food allergy most often causes problems in the stomach and intestines.
Allergic reactions often occur simultaneously in various parts of the body. Symptoms of an allergy can vary from mild to severe and life-threatening. They can be divided according to which organs they influence.
- Skin: hives, eczema, and swelling of the face
- Respiratory tract: nose (pollen fever), throat (swelling), lungs (cough, difficulty breathing, bronchospasm)
- Gastrointestinal system: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea
- Cardiovascular system: the feeling of weakness, nausea, pallor, unconsciousness
Symptoms of allergies may be local – for example, swelling caused by stinging bees, or general (enlarged throughout the body).
Anaphylaxis it’s a general allergic reaction that affects the respiratory tract and/or the cardiovascular system, the skin and/or the gastrointestinal tract.
The most common allergens
Allergens are substances that can cause allergy, but otherwise, they are not harmful to humans. The most frequent allergens are:
- mites
- pollen
- cats and other animals, as an example, dogs, horses, rabbits and pigs
- food, such as peanuts, eggs, soybeans, cow’s milk, and seafood
- stings insects
- medicines
- mold
- latex
Airborne allergens are mites, pollen, mold spores, cat and dog hair. Inhalation or contact with such an allergen causes a rash, eye irritation, pollen fever, or asthma. Such allergens rarely cause anaphylaxis.
Food allergens are entered with food.
Many types of food and liquids can cause an allergic reaction. The most popular food allergens are eggs, cow’s milk, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, seeds, fish, and shells.
- eggs and dairy products are the most usual causes of allergy in small children
- Peanuts and seafood are the most common causes of allergy in older adolescents and adults.
Food allergy can make local and general allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
The second allergen – the poison of the insect, for example the bee venom enter the body through injection. The poison of each insect is different; therefore a person allergic to the poison of the bee does not have to be allergic to the poison of the other similar insects.
Insect stings can cause a local allergic reaction that sometimes lasts up to a few days, or a general direct reaction, including anaphylaxis. Because the poison is injected directly into the bloodstream, the reaction can be rapid.
Medicines, both classical and herbal, can also cause an overall allergic reaction. The most frequent allergen is penicillin.
Research by British scientists shows that in the period from 1990 to 2001, the number of people suffering from allergy increased by seven times.
One hundred years ago they said, the word “allergy” did not exist.
In 1950, every seventh American had an allergy. In 1970, she had every fifth, and in 1985 – every third.
Treatment of allergies
You’ve already heard that traditional medicine does not cure allergies. All medication for allergies act in such a way that they remove or alleviate allergy symptoms.
Such drugs block the immune system’s response or, in severe cases, suppress the work of the immune system as a whole with the help of local and systemic steroids. Although such an approach can help, it only offers symptom relief and does nothing to solve the real cause of the disease.
Patients depend on chemical medication often suffer from many side effects of the drugs. The worst thing about it is that patients constantly suppress their immune system, which further aggravates their health.
Latest research
Many doctors in the world are trying to find the cause of allergies, to create a cure for millions of people who suffer from allergic reactions. Lately, many studies have been made. Some results represent an allergy in a new light:
Linkage of parasite allergies has been found. The parasites in the human intestines release toxic waste, which disrupts the normal functioning of the immune system and triggers an allergy cycle.
It has been confirmed that healthy microflora of the gut and stomach is crucial in preventing allergy. Good bacteria naturally protect the whole body from parasites, viruses, and bacteria. A healthy microflora strengthens the immune system and stimulates its normal work.
Scientists assume that allergy is caused by polluted air and food, excessive drug use, vaccination, and an unhealthy way of life. These data are very interesting because they agree with the claims of alternative doctors.
Alternative treatment of allergies
Alternative medicine has long known that parasites can cause many health problems. Parasites harmfully release toxins into the human body, which usually disrupt the immune system and the whole organism.
Liver parasites prevent its normal functioning. When the liver does not operate properly, it can’t detect harmful ingredients from harmless ones. Then there is an allergic reaction.
Certificate from classical medicine
Recently, American doctors have discovered that toxins, which release bacteria, viruses, and parasites, are the most aggressive allergens. These poisons are so potent that they can disrupt the work of the whole organism. Viruses and parasites, which are found in our body, poison our body and trigger a chain reaction, called an allergy.
In short, allergy is a consequence of subtle immune and biochemical disorders in our body, caused by microorganisms.
Treatment of parasites
For the treatment of parasites, alternative medicine offers an antiparasitic program. Antiparasitic program dr. Clark is the most effective treatment against parasites ever known.
Dr.Hulda Clark, an American physicist, and physiologist, dedicated her life to studying the parasite. She has treated more than 20000 people with her treatments.
Antiparasitic program dr. Clark consists of three plants: wormwood, black walnut, and cloves.
Pine, black walnut and cloves are the biggest enemies of parasites and viruses. They are incredibly healing and can be used to treat many diseases.
The combination of walnuts, black walnuts, and cloves makes it possible to destroy not only parasites but also their larvae and eggs.
This is very important, because if the eggs remain, soon new parasites will emerge from them.
Antiparasitic program dr. Clark destroys more than 100 species of parasites.
Insightless work of the liver
The liver is responsible for adapting “foreign matter” to our body. If you have an allergy, your liver and gall bladder do not function well.
The cause of malfunctioning of the liver is usually stones or parasites in the liver and gall bladder (most often, candida albicans).
How to establish the normal liver function
We talked about cleansing the liver (and the entire body) of the parasite before, and now we will consider cleansing the liver and gallbladder from the stones.
Every human in the liver has more or fewer stones. This issue is a result of an irregular diet, which contains too much cholesterol, too much body weight, and many other factors.
Do you need to go for surgery? No! There is a natural and entirely painless way of cleansing the liver from the stones.
The method is free, for cleaning you need juice 1-2 grapefruit, a little olive oil and bitter salt (you can buy it in every pharmacy).
Cleaning will help relieve your liver and establish its regular work. Most everyone, after successfully detoxification of the liver, felt full or partial alleviation of allergy.
We recommend liver cleansing to everyone, except for small children and pregnant women.
Weak immunity
A healthy organism is capable of protecting itself against disease. On the contrary, weakened immunity can be the cause of many health problems, including allergies.
In our era, weakened immunity is a very widespread problem. For this, the most polluted environment, the unhealthy way of life, and the irregular diet are the worst.
How to strengthen immunity
- Do not drink chlorinated water. Use source or purified water.
- Take as many probiotics like yogurt and fermented products.
- Eat many raw fruits and vegetables.
- Practice!
- Drink enough fluids – water, juices, and herbal teas
- At least once a year, make detoxification of the organism.
In addition to these simple tips, for which you have already heard of it, in the strengthening of immunity are very effective herbal remedies for strengthening immunity.
Natural anti-histamine
Consequently, classical medications for allergy contain chemical anti-histamine, which neutralizes allergic reactions.
In nature, there is a plant that contains natural anti-hemin. It’s a Nigella sativa or black cumin. Black cumin oil, is one of the best allergy remedies. Black cumin oil instant relieve allergic symptoms, and its continued use prevents allergy.