There is a number of harmful components used in processed foods that are dangerous to our health, like additives, growth enhancers, and genetically engineered ingredients. Many types of research have been conducted to prove the damage they can cause to our health, but nevertheless, they are still used in many commercial foods in the US.
The best option to avoid this hazardous foods and its damaging effects is to stop using any processed and canned food.
If you think that it’s an impossible thing to do, just swap supermarket meat with grass-fed versions of beef and poultry. You can do the same with dairy products and eggs.
The dangerous ingredient list can be very long, but here is a selection of 4 banned foods and ingredients that are still used in the US;
Farm Raised Salmon
Salmon that are grown and produced in a farm setting are raised on an unhealthy diet filled with a concoction of antibiotic drugs. The result is unappetizing gray flesh, so to make the salmon look better, they are also fed with petrochemicals that are not approved for human consumption.
Genetically Engineered Papaya
Papaya ringspot virus is a pathogenic plant virus which primarily infects the papaya tree. To make sure that the papaya doesn’t get infected with this virus it is genetically engineered to be resistant.
Animals that consume genetically altered foods showed a number of diseases including massive tumors, birth defects, multiple-organ damage and sterility by the third generation.
Flame Retardant Drinks
Sodas with citrus flavor and sports drinks sold in the US contain an artificial chemical named brominated vegetable oil –BVO, which is actually a flame retardant. This chemical isn’t recognized by the human body, so it cannot process well, therefore allowing the chemicals to accumulate in human tissue and breast milk. Excessive doses of BVO can contribute to damaging effects on the reproductive system and behavioral disorders.
Food Colorings
Artificial food colorings are toxic and proven to be damaging to the health, yet they are still used as additives in many commercial foods. Together with over 3,000 preservatives, flavorings and coloring agents are still in use, despite many studies showing the correlation between children’s problematic behavior and their exposure to chemically enhanced foods.